Terms & Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions are designed to create optimal conditions for the "66 Days of Change Programs" (short: 66D) provided by Turtle Transformation Limited. 66D relies on cooperation and mutual trust.

Participant's Responsibilities

Turtle Transformation explicitly emphasizes that 66D is a voluntary, active, and self-responsible process, and specific results cannot be guaranteed. The transformation messages and the trainers serve as a process guide and catalyst for change, but the actual work of change lies with the participant. The participant should be willing and open to critically examine their existing values, objectively assess themselves and their situation, and, if necessary, change their behavior and thus their circumstances. To ensure the effective implementation of 66D outcomes, the participant agrees to do all daily work and to attend all scheduled appointments punctually, seek clarification immediately if something is unclear, and complete practical tasks in a timely manner. The participant acknowledges that during 66D, they are fully responsible for their private and business actions.

Furthermore, the participant recognizes that all steps and actions taken within the scope of 66D are solely within their own sphere of responsibility.

Trainer's Responsibilities

The trainer shall provide his services to the participant to the best of his knowledge and ability in all professional matters. He / she shall fulfill these duties carefully and conscientiously, in accordance with these terms & conditions.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

The participant agrees that all data provided in the registration and during the 66D process may be electronically stored and used exclusively for the agreed 66D purposes. All documents, reports, and information will be treated as confidential and may not be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of the participant. The trainer is obligated not to disclose confidential information to external third parties and to use confidential information solely for the purposes of the contractually defined 66D. In addition, the trainer must store confidential information that has been provided in writing or recorded personally in a manner that prevents access by third parties. All personal information shared within 66D remains within this space and does not leave the group.

Privacy Police

At Turtle Transformation, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. For 66D the privacy policies lined out at www.turtletrafo.com apply as well: https://turtletrafo.com/imprint


By registering and signing, the participant acknowledges that they have voluntarily and at their own responsibility engaged in and carried out 66D. They understand that 66D is not a substitute for therapeutic or medical treatment, and that participation is at their own risk. They affirm that they are in a suitable state of health for 66D. If there are any doubts, they are advised to consult a trusted medical or psychological professional to address potential health or psychological risks before starting 66D. It is known that participation in 66D requires normal physical and psychological resilience. They commit to providing truthful information in their registration. Any claims for liability are excluded.

Violation of Terms & Conditions

If a participant significantly breaches the Terms & Conditions, the trainer reserves the right to remove the participant from the program.

Severability Clause

If any clause of these Terms & Conditions is or becomes invalid, the Terms & Conditions shall remain valid in all other respects. Additions and amendments to this contract must be agreed upon in writing.

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